Framed prints

Our fine art prints are sold without a frame on a museum quality paper guaranteed to last 80 years.

But you can order framed prints through Society6, the artwork is printed with gallery-quality inks on acid-free and ligning-free 100% cotton rag paper


Framed print of the Empire State Building viewed from the High Line taken by Laurence Bruneau for Laurence B. Photography     Framed print of a frozen lake in Acadia National Park taken by Laurence Bruneau for Laurence B. Photography     Framed print of a bouquet of parrot tulips taken by Laurence Bruneau for Laurence B. Photography


The Recessed Framed Prints add a museum-like depth to your favorite artwork with its shadow-box frame design. Choose from four different frame colors: black, white, maple or walnut to match your unique decor taste. Recessed framed prints are available in six different sizes.

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